Pro Moto Billet Kickstands are often called the "Granddaddy of all motocross kickstands". They have no equal. Easy to install, super strength, long lifespan and lightweight design are what make
this the kickstand of choice for many Factory ISDE and Pro Enduro riders.
Pro Moto Billet has developed a frame mounted, internally sprung kickstand that eliminates the worries of having an exposed spring fall off or get in the way of a riders boot. The kickstand
is a bolt-on installation using existing mounting locations, no drilling, tapping or inserts required! The entire kickstand is CNC machined from 6061 billet aluminum and then clear hard anodized, for strength and durability.
We feel that this is the best kickstand on the market today. The kickstand rotates almost 180 degrees up and hides away under the side cover. This keeps the stand out of the riders way and the
strong internal spring keeps it from flopping around while jumping and going through whoops.